pyemtmad.api.parking module

This file contains the endpoints for parking services.


class pyemtmad.api.parking.ParkingApi(wrapper)

Bases: object

Metaclass that contains the API methods for the parking endpoints.


Obtain detailed info of a given parking.

  • lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
  • day (int) – Day of the month in format DD. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • month (int) – Month number in format MM. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • year (int) – Year number in format YYYY.
  • hour (int) – Hour of the day in format hh. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • minute (int) – Minute of the hour in format mm. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • parking (int) – ID of the parking to query.
  • family (str) – Family code of the parking (3 chars).

Status boolean and parsed response (list[ParkingDetails]), or message string in case of error.


Obtain detailed info of a given POI.

  • family (str) – Family code of the POI (3 chars).
  • lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
  • id (int) – Optional, ID of the POI to query. Passing value -1 will result in information from all POIs.

Status boolean and parsed response (list[PoiDetails]), or message string in case of error.


Obtain a list of elements that have an associated icon.

Parameters:lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
Returns:Status boolean and parsed response (list[IconDescription]), or message string in case of error.

Obtain generic information on POIs and parkings.

This returns a list of elements in a given radius from the coordinates.

  • radius (int) – Radius of the search (in meters).
  • latitude (double) – Latitude in decimal degrees.
  • longitude (double) – Longitude in decimal degrees.
  • lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
  • day (int) – Day of the month in format DD. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • month (int) – Month number in format MM. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • year (int) – Year number in format YYYY.
  • hour (int) – Hour of the day in format hh. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • minute (int) – Minute of the hour in format mm. The number is automatically padded if it only has one digit.
  • poi_info (list[tuple]) – List of tuples with the format (list[family], type, category) to query. Check the API documentation.
  • min_free (list[int]) – Number of free spaces to check. Must have the same length of poi_info.
  • field_codes (list[tuple]) – List of tuples with the format (list[codes], name). Check the API documentation.

Status boolean and parsed response (list[InfoParkingPoi]), or message string in case of error.


Obtain a list of parkings.

Parameters:lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
Returns:Status boolean and parsed response (list[Parking]), or message string in case of error.

Obtain a list of parkings.

Parameters:lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
Returns:Status boolean and parsed response (list[Parking]), or message string in case of error.

Obtain a list of addresses and POIs.

This endpoint uses an address to perform the search

  • lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
  • address (str) – Address in which to perform the search.

Status boolean and parsed response (list[ParkingPoi]), or message string in case of error.


Obtain a list of families, types and categories of POI.

Parameters:lang (str) – Language code (es or en).
Returns:Status boolean and parsed response (list[ParkingPoiType]), or message string in case of error.